The lab welcomes trainees of all levels, including technicians, graduate students, postdocs & staff scientists!

For grad students:

Please email to discuss projects. All prospective students must be in the UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. Our research is very interdisciplinary so students from all tracks in the Biomedical Sciences are welcome!

For postdocs & staff scientists:

Please email a cover letter describing your interest in the position, your CV, and give contact info for 2-3 references.

For technicians:

Please email a brief description of your interest in working in the lab and send your CV (including any past research experiences).

Lab values.

Every lab has its own unique culture and set of values (whether implicit or explicit). Our values include these top 3:


Science is fun! There is so much interesting biology to explore. Our lab will thrive on the excitement of not only the big picture of our research but also the day-to-day experiments we carry out.


Science can get hard, and experiments will inevitably fail from time to time. But where there’s a will there’s a way, and we’ll help each other out to adapt and find new ways to answer our research questions.


Communication is important! Honest discussions will be had about data, experiments, and all aspects of day-to-day lab life. We’ll be open to giving and receiving feedback and work together to build a supportive environment.

What you can expect from Courtney as a mentor:

I seek to build a fun and diverse lab environment and ultimately help trainees improve as scientists who think deeply, form effective questions, and strategize how to answer the questions they find most exciting. I’ve trained several students who previously had very little research experience, and I am happy to teach trainees new techniques in fly genetics, cell biology and structural biology. We will have regular one-on-one meetings in addition to group meetings to make sure you're on track for your research project as well as career goals, whatever they may be.